Quality Policy

Quality Policy

The policy of the integrated system of quality, safety, health, and environment management:
Polfilm, the manufacturer of BOPP films, believes that paying attention to quality, safety, health, and environmental issues is a value. We aim to achieve the satisfaction of clients and stakeholders, sustainable development, and a safe working environment and also to prevent causing damage to human resources, property, and the environment. We believe that appropriate performance of HSE is an integral part of overall organizational management and an effective HSE system will result in productivity, quality, and profitability.

Emphasis on the following principles:
• Customer orientation, customer focus, and maintaining the interests of all stakeholders
• Extensive participation of employees in activities and decision-making
• Management based on processes and decision-making based on facts
• Learning, constructive competition, innovation, and continuous improvement
• Leadership and consistency in objectives
• Full commitment to compliance with national and international standards and regulations in the field of HSE

This company:
1- has set client satisfaction a top priority and aims to reduce waste and increase productivity in order to raise its share in the production of products in accordance with standards in a competitive market;
2- with the implementation of strategies for continuous improvement in all activities, aims to base all processes upon the development of quality culture, safety, and environmental protection and utilize all the resources and facilities to achieve the minimum waste, elimination of waste, and reduction of and environmental damages and risks;
3- considers the human resources working in the organization the most important valuable asset of the company and tries to realize the objectives of the Integrated Management System through training and continuous development and improving the level of knowledge, skills, and efficiency of the staff as well as improving the working conditions and meeting the needs of them; and
4- provides a secure and healthy environment for all with a commitment to the principles of sustainable development by managing the risk factors through identification, assessment, and control of health, safety, and environmental hazards which can cause injury or disease to employees and damage to the environment.

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No.6, Riahi St., Lashkari Expy (Karaj Jaddeh Makhsus Road), Azadi Sq.
Phone : +98 21 44634400-7
Fax : +98 21 44634411
Email : info@polfilm.net
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